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Showing posts from December, 2007


I have been very tied up with finals for my classes, but I've enjoyed a quiet period at work the last week. We have a lot of projects and upcoming initiatives for 2008 which I will post about when I am back. I am going out of town for a week, more later. Have a nice new years!


Update on this stuff…. We purchased the product, and we are deploying soon. Can't wait to get rid of Vitalnet and get a product which is easy to maintain and scale!

Future Tools

We are having a lot of problems with getting value from NNM still for simple topology based suppression and up/down monitoring. We have a new account team and a new technical lead, so maybe that will help HP fix our problems. The other option is NNM 8, which we are looking at, but will be missing some featured until 8.1 comes out. We had a very good evaluation and POC with IBM Precision and Impact. Precision looks good, but we need to spend more time looking at it and comparing the amount of work to keep it up and running with NNM. Impact was an easy sell. It will help us immensely with event enrichment and some of the automations we currently have in Omnibus. We'll see how the pricing negotiations work out.